I Met My Love

"At the end of the last century, just as I was finishing University, I fell in with a fine musician (and young Bob Dylan lookalike) Ben Gross. We played in a trio (with rhythmical genius Mark) called beul mor (Scots gaelic for "big mouth"), and I spent many afternoons in his lounge coming up with random melodies and lyrics. This song grew out of one of those sessions, and it has been resurrected by almost every band I have played in since, including being recorded by The Alterboys. Its longevity is probably down to its simplicity, and I still love playing it now."
- Alexander Gow

I Met My Love

I met my love, we walked by the stream hand in hand
I met my love, we took off our shoes and we swam
We took off our shoes and we swam

I kissed my love, down by the waters cool edge
I kissed my love, but her lips were so cold she felt dead
Her lips were so cold she felt dead

I held my love, enveloped in my warm embrace
I held my love, but everything seemed out of place
Everything seemed out of place

I asked my love just what she needed to hide
I asked my love to let me see deep down inside
To let me see deep down inside

I lost my love, she wouldn't remain by my side
I lost my love, I walked by the stream and I cried
My head in my hands, how I cried

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